For Employees
Under this section, you who are employed at ExpanderaMera will find important information about, for example, upcoming staff meetings or other activities.
For employees
All employees at ExpanderaMera report time via external time reporting system. Your timesheet for the previous week must be submitted no later than 08:00 on Mondays. If you have problems with time reporting, you may make an appointment for a review of how to report on time. If so, call 08-530 343 78.
For employees
ExpandMera is intended to promote employees' participation in exercise activities as regular exercise and good fitness are seen as healthy factors. In order to promote exercise, we have health care grants that can be used for a purchase, for example, gym cards and partly we participate with teams in bellmanstafetten, which takes place in September.
Every Tuesday we have wellness hours and exercise during working hours at 4 pm in the office. What we do and exercise depends on the season and you are heartily welcome to keep up with 🙂
For employees
The Staff Portal
For those who are interested in a career in the construction industry, we recommend a visit to There you will find, among other things, educational pathways and also professional portraits of people who work in oilka professions in the industry.